Thursday, May 14, 2015

Jo napot kivanok from Budapest

Hello from Budapest.  We arrived late afternoon yesterday, after a 10 hour flight to Paris, a 4-hour layover, another 2-hour flight, and a shuttle to the Ibis Heroes Square Hotel.  Jet lagged though we were, we headed out to Heroes Square, City Park, and the Szechenyi (SAY-chen-ee) Baths.  Let us just say from the outset that we may not master Hungarian in three days!

On our way at Seatac

Our hotel in Budapest

The Hungarian Memorial at Heroes Square.

The baths were amazing...built in 1913, with 15 indoor baths and 3 outdoor pools.  The pools were heated at different temperatures but all had medicinal hotspring waters, wonderful after a day of traveling.  We saw all sizes, shapes, and nationalities of people...seems to be a popular local spot as well as a tourist attraction. 

When we arrived at the baths, we discovered we need to pay 8900 forint (!) to get in and 6000 forint to rent two towels.  That's only $55 total (including deposit), but we didn't have enough forint with us to rent two towels, so we had to share one!  We rented a "cabin" for changing and then tried out as many pools as we could in the time allowed. 
Afterward we had just enough energy to stop for a meal at Robinson's on Heroes Park Lake (where they supplied us with warm red blankets) for a great pasta meal, and then head back to the Ibis to crash.

Jet lagged, but happy to be here

Today, a city bus tour, walking around to see the sites in Pest (Budapest is divided into two sections, Buda and Pest), and then taking a dinner/music cruise on the Danube tonight--whew!

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