Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Heading home

Today we took a 5-hour train ride from Berlin to Prague, and are staying across the street from the Prague airport in anticipation of getting up at oh-dark-thirty tomorrow to head home.  We've had a wonderful time, and made many great memories...

...getting around by underground metro's, busses, trams, taxis, u-bahn, s-bahn, uber, and most of all, by foot power...

...managing four different countries, three different languages, three different currencies...

...seeing an amazing array of palaces, cathedrals, Old Towns, marketplaces, rivers, Jewish districts, war memorials, museums, plazas, concert halls, synagogues, and churches...

...enjoying pastries, coffee, wine, chocolate and bread (and the occasional beer)

...dodging bicyclists, smokers, and tour groups while trying not to fall down on cobblestones

...learning about complex histories of Eastern Europe, including changing boundaries, empires and emporers, nationalism, the Nazi occupation, Cold War politics, and the European Union

...enjoying the music of the area, both on the street and in concerts, and the wonderful varied architecture

...meeting interesting characters (and lots of students) along the way

People have been kind to us everywhere, as we struggle with maps and making change.  There has been a serious and sad dimension to some of what we have learned, but also a playful and creative energy in the cities we've visited.

Memorial to the children's transports during the Nazi era

Sightseeing tours in these toy-like cars

Bears are the symbol of Berlin, and these colorful versions can be found everywhere (sort of like the pigs in Seattle)

If you've been following along with us, thanks for your interest and support!  We look forward to filling you in on the details (and those things not fit for print!).   Signing off for now,

Meteorologist and Photographer Extraordinaire Judy &  Navigator and Compulsive Blogger Helen

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